Monday, February 28, 2011

The Joy of Oreos

I ventured out and gave my baby 2 Oreos the other day, you have to have one for each hand, right?  She absolutely loved them and enjoyed every minute of it.  I had no idea she would be covered literally from head to toe in chocolate. 
Oh the happiness

Are there any more?

Let me give you some loves!!!

Got the day started right, first the Oreo and now a bath

Say Cheese

I'm busy at work...

Following the bath she decided to get to work.  Jillian loves the computer and loves to type in "word".  She is growing so quickly and it is so exciting and so sad at the same time.  She is now crawling all over and most of the time she will fuss the whole time she is moving but look up to you with the biggest grin across her face.

Jillian is also into eating everything, it doesn't matter what it is or where it came from, if it can go in the mouth it is sure to make it there.  The only food she has turned down so far are peas (I can't really blame her).  

My life is a brighter place with her in it and I am so blessed to have her.  She is a very special little girl who can bring so much joy and sunshine on a cloudy day.  

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