Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Valentines Day

Well, here I am at the close of a wonderful Valentines day!  Garon and I took the rather relaxing path today.  We made homemade cards, and I got him his ultimate favorite treat, Reese's - I got the heart because they come with more peanut butter which he prefers.  We managed to make it to church and enjoy the day then we came home and just spent the afternoon with each other which is absolutely amazing.  I must say that is one of our favorite past times.  We love being able to spend time together even if we are doing nothing.  

This evening my niece came over and spent the night, she is so funny and amazes us every time she is around.  She wanted to watch her movie so she did that and then went to town on a bag of popcorn - I think she literally ate an entire bag, we were sharing but that did not last for long, she picked it up and moved it to the other side.  After some play time and a few stories we got all nestled into bed and within a matter of minutes she was out.  We had one T-I-R-E-D girl on our hands.  She wants to get up in the morning and make pancakes and play games.  

Garon and I are so blessed to have wonderful family near and far and we are so grateful for the support and love that they continually show towards us.  We have learned and continue to learn that it is the simple things in life that keep us going and give us the strength, energy, and hope to continue to move forward.  Life is grand and I am so happy that I have a wonderful eternal companion that I am able to share it with! :)


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